We started a knowledge base for the development of scientific software. We address the topics version control, continuous integration, test driven development and many more. We see it as a success that we did not only get an approved workflow from the SFB1194 at TUDa but were (and still are) also able to refine our articles in cooperation with other activities. These include the Institute of hydraulic engineering at TUDa, as well as the TA BETTY and TA ALEX.
We set up a JupyterHub that allows scientists to interactively execute code and enrich the code with text, figures and more (literate programming). At the moment the JupyterHub is in testing mode and not available for everybody, but it will become productive in the next year. Nevertheless, we invite all interested scientists to become test users to make this service as beneficial as possible.
[S-2 has 2 items on its scientific dissemination list 2021]