2021 was a successful year for TA Alex. Despite the pandemic, we regularly met at project and work meetings and discussed the development of the TA Alex aims. Moreover, we actively participated in events and conferences, such as the NFDI4ing Conference or the Community Meeting DFG 45 to disseminate our work. In the following, we list some of the activities that were presented at these events.
At the Chair of Fluid Systems, the development of the tool PlotID was kickstarted as a first step towards FAIR plots and diagrams. PlotID works in two steps: In the first step the plot is labelled with an ID and in a second step the research data is packed. With the ID, you can reconnect and share the specific data of this diagram. Within Task A-2-4 of Task Area Alex a concept has been developed for creating a machine-readable characteristic and impact sheet (CIS). As an alternative to conventional data sheets, CIS use controlled vocabularies from industry standards and W3C standards for creating a semantic information model of components adapted to individual applications. The concept has been presented on a poster at the annual meeting of Process and Plant Engineering Community and a conference paper is under review at the 13th International Fluid Power Conference Aachen.
At the Institute for Reactive Flows and Diagnostics a new data center was built based on own internal funding. In addition to RDM-compliant storage, backup and archiving of the institute’s data, this data center also serves as a test bed and benchmark environment for a secure research data workflow and the possible as well as necessary technical boundary conditions. Using the application of a gas mixing system for characterization of gas sensors systems for indoor air quality monitoring, the Lab for Measurement Technology at University of Saarland is pursuing an automated integration of all information that are necessary for interpretation and long-term use of the experiment performed, into the metadata of the measurement file. At the Research Center Energy Storage Technologies of Clausthal University of Technology, experiments for battery tests were evaluated and electronic lab books were introduced.
We are looking forward to developing these activities further and starting new ones in 2022! You can find documentation about Alex’ action Items under: https://ta_alex.pages.rwth-aachen.de/action-items/
[Alex has 6 items on her scientific dissemination list 2021]