ing.grid - FAIR Data Management in Engineering Sciences

ing.grid - FAIR Data Management in Engineering Sciences

Logo and design elements of ing.grid.


ing.grid is an open access journal that publishes scientific articles on all topics related to research data management. It is developed within the scope of the NFDI4Ing consortium and published on the TUjournals platform hosted by the University and State Library Darmstadt (ULB). ing.grid consideres publications consisting of three entities: manuscript, data and software. Submissions are immediately made available on the journal’s own preprint repository. The publications are subject to an open and transparent peer review process to ensure a high quality of submissions. Corporate identity, website, aims & scope as well as the editorial board are completed. The next steps are implementation of peer review and integration of the preprint repository on the website. Once the workflow for publishing has been tested, ing.grid will publish a call for papers.


How will the scientific method evolve in the 21st century? What new methods for scientifc publishing in the engineering sciences will be established in the coming years? The answers to these questions will be discussed in ing.grid, a peer-reviewed open access journal providing a forum for engineers of all disciplines concerned with data management to share and discuss experience, data sets and technologies. The journal bridges a gap in engineering sciences offering a platform and recognition for sound scientific practice in generating research data, developing reusable tools for processing that data and curating the data to make it findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable (FAIR). ing.grid addresses seven core topics: data literacy, data infrastructure, data governance, data economics, data ethics, data sets and data management software. Using a hybrid peer review process including single blind peer review and community peer review, ing.grid fosters open discussion and exchange in the engineering community on all issues related to data management and gives scientific credit by publishing contributions treating all endeavours regarding FAIR data management.


Work in progress.

  • Commissioned convincing and professional corporate identity for ing.grid
  • Trade mark for ing.grid registered for EU-wide protection
  • Publishing agreement with University and State Library Darmstadt
  • Built website for ing.grid styled with corporate identity on the basis of Janeway publishing platform
  • Editorial board composed and constituted

Planned activities

  • create Gitlab repository for LaTeX template for submissions (Q2/22)
  • create social media accounts and build network (Q2/22)
  • research and write review guidelines for software submissions (Q2/22)
  • research and write review guidelines for data submissions (Q2/22)
  • write author guidelines for submission (Q2/2022)
  • participate in training for search engine optinmisation and online advertisement (Q2/2022)
  • test template, review process and publishing (Q3/2022)
  • publish call for papers (Q3/2022)
  • complete first issue (Q4/2022)
  • advertise ing.grid on relevant venues, e.g., with ethical ads on readthedocs (Q3/2022)
  • register ing.grid in Directory of Open Access Journals (Q4/2023)
  • register ing.grid in Scopus (Q4/2024)

Activities in progress

  • on-boarding of editor assistants
  • incorporation of preprint server in website
  • implementation of open peer review process in publishing platform
  • registering editorial board members on website
  • registering international trade mark for ing.grid
  • creating budget for ing.grid for the first three years
  • ensuring compliance with DOAJ standards
  • creating data model for journal knowledge graph and semantic meta data for provenance tracking of manuscripts, data and software

Completed activities

Creation / adjustment of this template for more general purposes.


ing.grid concept:

  • publications consist of manuscripts, data and software
  • each of these entities ca be considered the primary submission
  • open access
  • open review
  • connected metadata

Lessons Learned / Recommendations

Significant financial resources required initially for:

  • convincing design
  • registering trade mark
  • publishing platform (supplied in this case free of charge by ULB)
  • personnel
  • development cost for customised publishing workflow


None, ing.grid is the platform on which scientific findings regarding research data management in engineering sciences will be published.


ing.grid is funded by the National Research Data Infrastructure for Engineering Sciences - NFDI4Ing and published by the University and State Library Darmstadt.



Kevin Logan (corresponding author)

Michaela Leštáková